How to start freelancing on Fiverr

You know of Fiverr, right? It’s that Amazon for freelancers, but no one comes here to shop for stuff; they shop for skills. I’ll be showing you how to dive headlong into freelancing at Fiverr and make some money. Don’t worry; we’ll make it simple and fun.

What the heck is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a great website through which you could earn money by offering services. Think of it as a very big online market where buyers, the people who need actual work to be done, and sellers, the people like you, actually meet. On Fiverr, every gig starts at a minimum of $5, but that definitely varies as you get better or grow experienced in your job.

How Fiverr Works

You create a profile, list the services you can offer (called “gigs”), and wait for buyers to contact you. You could offer practically anything: from graphic design and writing to voiceover. Once someone buys your gig, you go ahead to complete the assignment, and Fiverr will process payments for you. Easy.


  1. Easy sign-up: Anyone can sign-up and build their gigs in no time.
  2. Global marketplace: Your customers can be from any part of the world.
  3. Safe payments: The money goes through Fiverr, so you do not have to hold out hope that a client actually pays you.


  1. Competition: With many freelancers on board, standing out might be tough.
  2. Fiverr Fees: Fiverr takes a 20% cut of the fees.
  3. Starting Low: You will need to start really low in the beginning to attract buyers.

Set Up Your Fiverr Profile

Your profile is like your online résumé. It’s the first thing potential buyers will come across, so make it shine!

Steps to Create an Awesome Profile

  1. Sign Up: Go to and register. Yes—it’s free!
  2. Profile Picture: Use an image where your face is clearly visible. No selfies from the beach, please.
  3. About: Write a little about yourself – say what you do, and why you are great at it. Keep it simple and friendly.
  4. Skills: Compose a list of your skills. Keep it real! Can write like a pro? Simple, just add it. Singing isn’t your forte, and you do just okay at it? Maybe leave that out.

uses keywords related to things you can do. That way, people will find you.

  • Go through top sellers’ profiles under your category and check them out, learn what they do.
  • Update your profile as you gain experience.

Creaing tour 1st Gig

Gig, as the name suggests, is something you can offer on Fiverr. Think of it as a product listing on any commercial website — the only difference is that you sell your skills, not a product.

How to Create a Gig

  1. Gig Title: Be precise and catchy. For example, “I will write a unique blog post for your website.”
  2. Category: Put the correct category and subcategory for the Gig.
  3. Description: Explain about your offer. Be clear about what’s included. Suppose you are offering to write a blog post, then specify the word count and whether you will add images or not.
  4. Pricing: Offer a basic price, and then extras for more money. For example, charge more for faster delivery.
  5. Tags: Use keywords which buyers might search with. For example, “blog writing”, “SEO”, “content generation”


  • “I will design a professional logo for your business” – Graphic Design category.
  • “I will create a catchy voice-over for your video” – Voice Over category.

How to Attract Buyers

Creating a gig is not enough. You really need buyers to view your Gig.

Noticeable Tips

  1. Good Titles: Clear and simple titles with the keywords to be used by buyers looking for similar services/gigs like yours.
  2. Great Descriptions: Explain what you are offering.
  • Clearly state your services or products
  • Use bullet points for an easy read
  1. Portfolio: Upload samples of your work. For instance, if you are a writer, upload some articles; if you are a designer, upload images of your designs.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Price your gigs competitively when you start—raise your prices as you rack up reviews.
  3. Fast Response: Respond to buyer inquiries fast. It will demonstrate that you are a professional that can be relied on.
  4. SEO Optimization: Use the keywords in your profile to get it found by the right people.

For example, you could be selling logo design services, so your gig title could be: “I will design a professional logo for your brand.” In the description, mention everything that makes your service special, any unique styles you can do, and the file formats you will provide.

Delivering Your Gig

Once someone buys your gig, it is time to deliver.

Steps to Deliver Quality Work

  1. Understanding Requirements: Ensure you have understood what the buyer is looking for. Ask questions.
  2. Setting Deadlines: Be realistic about the timelines within which you can deliver the gigs.
  3. Communication: You need to inform the buyer about your progress.
  4. Delivering on Time: Make the delivery on time, that is, before the deadline. This will give you good reviews.


  • Overdeliver. Whenever you can make a little extra touch, do it. Buyers love surprises.
  • Follow up with the buyer after delivery to make sure they’re happy.

Getting Good Reviews

Reviews are vital on Fiverr. They’re what attracts more people to your service.

How to Get Positive Reviews

  1. Quality Work: Deliver top-notch work every time.
  2. On-Time Delivery: Make sure you deliver work on time.
  3. Politeness: Be polite and professional in your communication.
  4. Ask for Feedback: If your buyers love your work, make sure you request a review.

When you deliver a blog post, say something like, “I hope you love the article! If you’re happy with it, please take a moment to leave a review. Thanks!”

How to Scale Your Fiverr Business

After the first few orders start rolling in, you’re going to want to think about how to maximise that.

  1. Increase Prices: As you get more reviews and experience, gradually increase your prices.
  2. Offer More Services: Think about what other skills you will be able to offer. Perhaps being a writer can evolve into an offer for editing or proofreading.
  3. Hire Help: If you are getting too many orders to manage them individually, consider hiring a virtual assistant or other freelancers.
  4. Share Your Gigs: You can share your created gigs on different social accounts. Also, you can create a website showing your services.


  • Keep on learning and improving.
  • Keep Fiverr’s guidelines in mind for new features and policy.


Starting on Fiverr can really be an amazing means of making an income out of your skills. It’s very easy to start working, and with some effort, you can develop a freelance business. Just keep in mind the quality of work, good communication with buyers, and constant service amelioration. Good luck for happy freelancing!

Hah. So what are you waiting for? Sign up on Fiverr and start selling your skills now, but remember to always deliver everything with a smile. ????

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