How to Rank Higher on Fiverr Gigs Search

As freelancers run into millions on this online marketplace, making a presence in Fiverr search results is quite important for any freelancer who is looking to attract clients and grow their business. But how do you do it? Let’s dive into the details. Sign up fiverr here for free

Fiverr’s Search Algorithm Explained

Before I share with you tips and tricks, the foremost thing is to know how the Fiverr search algorithm works. Fiverr uses a combination of factors to decide which gigs should be placed at the top of the search results. Among the major aspects in this regard are:

  1. Gig title and description: Of importance are the keywords used in your gig title and description. It is these that the algorithm checks for relevance.
  2. Tags: These are specific keywords you give to your gig. They will help Fiverr in appropriately categorizing your services.
  3. Seller Performance: How well you perform on Fiverr, regarding response time, percentage of orders completed, and reviews from clients.
  4. Gig Extras: This is extra services provided, which can enhance your gig appearance and hence its ranking.
  5. Pricing: Very aggressive pricing would attract more clients and benefit your ranking.


  • High Visibility: Knowing the algorithm will help you to enhance your gig for more visibility.
  • Higher Orders: Higher ranking often automatically means more orders.
  • Competitive Advantage: You will be unbeatable by other competitors with the optimization techniques studied.


  • Time-Consuming: Keeping pace with algorithm changes gets time-consuming.
  • Hit and Trial: It may take a little while to get the right proportions of factors working for you.

Optimizing Your Gig Title and Description

Your gig title and description are your first impressions on prospects. Here’s how to get them to count:

  1. Relevant Keywords: Think of what people might be looking for and mention those keywords in the title and descriptions of your gigs. If you are, say, a graphic designer, use keywords such as “logo design,” “business card design,” or “brand identity.”
  2. Be Clear and Concise: Clearly telling them what they will get. Avoid using jargon, too, and let the inBrief explanation of your offer be easy to understand.
  3. Emphasize Your USPs: What sets you apart from other freelancers? Emphasize those points in the description.


Instead of “I will design something for you,” which sounds vague, use “I will create professional logo designs for your business.”


  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Overuse of keywords that makes your gig look like a clear spammer and hurts your ranking.
  • Regular Updates: Refresh your gig title and description from time to time. Keep them up-to-date and include the current trends and keywords.
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Using Tags Effectively

Another primary element used for boosting the ranking on Fiverr involves tags. They explain to Fiverr what your gig is about and pair it with relevant customer searches.

Steps to Use Tags Effectively:

  1. Relevant Tags: The tags should be relevant to your gig. This is the reason Fiverr permits you to add up to 5 tags.
  2. Research Popular Tags: Observe top-performing gigs in your category. See which tags they’re using, and this will give you ideas for your own tags.
  3. Mix Broad and Specific Tags: A mix of broad and specific tags should be used. For example, “graphic design” is a very broad term, and “minimalist logo design” is a specific tag.


For example, if it were a gig for website design services, some tags could be “web design,” “WordPress,” “responsive design,” “UX/UI design,” and “website redesign.”


  • Better Categorization: Proper tags help Fiverr to categorize your gig.
  • Increase Exposure: Using popular tags might increase the possibility of getting your gig found.


  • Limited to 5 Tags: You will want to choose your tags wisely since Fiverr has limited it to 5.
  • Popularity of Tags Changes: Tags might get famous and then not so famous; therefore, you need to be updated.

Keeping up the High Selling Performance

Your internal performance as a seller is one of the major factors to be considered when ranking your gigs on Fiverr. High selling performance includes good response time, high completion rate of orders, and reviews.

How to Be on the List of High Selling Performance:

  1. Respond Quickly: Try to respond in just a few hours.
  2. On-Time Order Completion: Make sure you deliver your work before the deadline you committed to delivering a project by. If you miss the deadline, this will hurt your ranking.
  3. Clear Communication: Be sure to keep your client updated on the progress so as to not create an unfriendly atmosphere.
  4. Request for Positive Reviews: Don’t hesitate to request your client nicely for a review in case they seem satisfied with the services you provided. It improves your ranking if reviews are positive.


For instance, if you have any gig for social media management, provided the quality of the job delivered is top-notch and customer inquiries are catered to promptly, then clients are more likely to leave behind positive reviews, which again will help increase your search ranking.


  • Builds Trust: High performance builds trust amongst prospective clients.
  • Better Rankings: Consistently good performance improves the ranking of your gig.


  • High Pressure: High performance comes with high-pressure maintenance.
    Dependence on Client Feedback: Your ranking can be affected by negative reviews, even if they’re rare.

Provide Attractive Gig Extras

The services that you offer in excess of the main gig are gig extras. These extras make your gig more attractive and hence improve your ranking on Fiverr.

Steps to Create Attractive Gig Extras:

  1. Identify Related Services: Come up with other services that might complement what your customers will be buying. This could include business card design or social media branding if you offered logo design.
  2. Set Reasonable Prices: Offer good value to clients while ensuring profitable pricing for yourself.
  3. Market Your Extras: Share your gig extras in your gig description and while communicating with clients.


Your main gig might be of a copywriter writing a 500-word article. Added gig extras might include SEO optimization, extra words, or expedited delivery.


  • More Money Earned: Gig extras can increase your earnings by a larger margin.
  • Increased Value: Offering gig extras will make your gig more valuable to clients.


More Work: Gig extras can bring more work and added responsibility.
Pricing Balance: The balance in pricing gig extras can be tough to get right.

Competitive Pricing Strategy

The next step that will lead your gigs to the roadmap of success on Fiverr includes Competitive pricing. This will make sure that your gigs get more clients since your ranking on the website improves.

Tips for Competitive Pricing:

  1. Research Competitors: Broadly observe what other freelancers of your category charge for services. This gives you a cue into the market rates.
  2. Start Low, Increase Gradually: It might be beneficial to set lower prices right from the start, so more and more clients are attracted. After gaining experience and collecting reviews, prices can be increased gradually.
  3. Packages: Come up with a few offer packages that would address the needs for different clients. For example, you can provide a basic, standard, and a premium package.


Let’s say you are a web developer; the basic one will be for a simple 5-page website, the standard package for a website with advanced features like adding a contact form, and the premium one including e-commerce features.


Attract More Clients: More clients will be attracted through competitive pricing, especially in the beginning.
Flexibility: Different packages of services offered are flexible in terms of client selection and will fit their needs or budget.


Lower Earnings Initially: You’re going to earn less initially with low pricing
Risk of Underpricing: You can underprice yourself and not charge adequate compensation for time worked on a project.

Leveraging Fiverr Analytics

Fiverr has inbuilt analytics tools that help you keep tabs on your gig’s performance. These tools can provide very useful insights into the performance of your gigs and the improvement areas.

Steps to Use Fiverr Analytics:

  1. Gig Views and Clicks: Monitor how many views and clicks your gig gets. In the event that your gig gets many views and few clicks, then your title and thumbnail may need a makeover.
  2. Conversion Rate: Check your conversion rate, meaning what percentage of views are converting into orders. A low conversion rate is an indication that you either need to work on your gig description or perhaps correct the pricing.
  3. Analyze Reviews: Pay attention to the reviews left by your clients—both positive and negative feedback. You will learn from positive feedback the strength; from the negative one, the weaknesses.


For example, you have a video editing gig, one that has a lot of views but does not really convert. Then, you can update the gig with an attractive thumbnail or update the description to explicitly advise on the value addition customers will get upon purchasing your services.


Analytics for Data-Driven Decisions: This information will help you make effective decisions towards improvising your gig performance.

  • Identify Trends: You can identify trends and change your approach accordingly.


  • Time-Consuming: It eats time to analyze data.
  • Over-Reliance on Metrics: Sometimes focusing too much on metrics would make you forget about the creative and personal sides of your gig.


What helps one rank high on Fiverr search includes gig title and description optimization, relevant tags, high seller performance, attractive gig extras, competitive pricing strategies, and implementation of Fiverr analytics. Tips to follow that will increase visibility on Fiverr and attract clients are those mentioned above, worked on for improvisation.

Keep in mind that success on Fiverr doesn’t happen overnight. It takes great patience, a focused dedication, and a readiness to adapt to things and learn from them. Therefore, get hold of these strategies and put them into practice today to let your Fiverr gigs rank at the top!

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