How to increase Fiverr Reviews on your gigs

Hello! Are you a Fiverr newbie or a seasoned seller looking to increase Fiverr reviews? Good reviews are like gold on Fiverr; in fact, that’s one of the many ways you get to increase your clients and seriously increase your earning. Let’s jump in and learn how you can improve those Fiverr reviews practically. First if your not member sign up fiverr here for free

Insight into the Significance of Fiverr Reviews

What are Fiverr Reviews?

Fiverr reviews are one of two ways in which the clients provide feedback when you have provided your service. They can be given as a star rating (1 to 5) along with comments (free text). A good gig rating and pleasant comments help your reputation on Fiverr.

Laptop, man working. View

How Do They Help?

They might help out your gig in the following ways:

  • Building Trust: When a new client sees that there are so many users who are entirely satisfied with your performance, it increases the likelihood of hiring you.
  • Increase Visibility: Fiverr’s algorithm favors sellers with high ratings, meaning you’ll appear higher in search results.
  • Higher Earnings: More clients mean more work, and more work means more money in your pocket.

Think of reviews as the foundation of your Fiverr business. Without a solid base, it’s hard to build a strong presence.

Providing Exceptional Service

Going the Extra Mile

The secret to good reviews on Upwork is just service. Deliver more than expected, through the work you deliver. You can do this as follows:
Understand what the client wants: Ensure you grasp what the client wishes to achieve before a start. If not sure, ask questions.
Deliver in time: Meeting deadlines is very important. If you can give the work earlier, even the better.

  • Accept Edits: Be ready to take some editing. Customers like it when you accept to modify your work to fit within what they want.

For instance, if you are a graphic designer and a client asks for a logo, never do the logo. Do a variate of the logo the required number of times and even send instances on different materials to place. This is a show you care about what they like.

Pros and Cons of Going the Extra Mile

Pros :

  • Higher Client Satisfaction: Satisfied customers will be more likely to give you positive reviews.
  • Repeat Business: Satisfied customers will be most likely to go back.


  • Time-Consuming: Will definitely take more time and effort

Believe me, the pros always outweigh the cons!

Clear Communication

The Need For Communication

Clear communication can either make your project. or. break it. So update your client along the way. Here is how:

  • Be Timely: Respond quickly to messages. This helps to indicate that you are very professional and attentive.
  • Be Clear: Explain things clearly. Keep off from jargon, unless one is for sure that the client will understand.
  • Set Expectations: Tell the client what to expect and when. This avoids misunderstandings.

Imagine you’re working on a website. Tell the client what steps you’ll take, when you’ll deliver each part, and how they can give feedback.

Tips for Effective Communication

  • Use Fiverr’s Messaging System: Keep all communication to be conducted inside Fiverr. It shields both of you from the client.
  • Be Polite and Professional: Always be courteous, even if the client is difficult.
  • Confirm Details: Repeat what the client wants to ensure you have understood what is needed.

Good communication is the building block for trust. Client trust gets you good reviews.

Offering Great Value

Pricing Your Services

Pricing is a sticky part. You want to offer the value without underselling yourself. Check out these tips:

  • Competitive Pricing: Check what other people in your niche charge and price your services competitively.
  • Value Packages: Offer packages at different price points—say, a basic package, a standard package, and a premium package.
  • Quality over Quantity: Undercutting your prices is a no-no. Fairly, it is relatively better that you charge moderately but give quality work than underpricing giving low-quality work. For instance, as a write you can have a basic package for a 500- word article, a standard package for a 1000- world article and a premium package for a 1500- word article with SEO optimization.

Pros and cons of pricing strategies


  • To Attract Different Clients: Clients have different budgets, and so with different packages, you can attract most of them.
  • Increasing Sales: Good value of a package can earn you more sales hence better reviews.
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  • Time Management: It is hard managing several packages.

Good value makes them see that they are getting the value of their money, and through this, they rely on leaving a good review.

Upshot the Need for Honest Reviews

How to Ask for a Review

After having delivered a project, one is allowed to ask for a review but in a politeness way. Here is how:

  • Be Direct but Polite: “I hope you found the work satisfactory. If it wasn’t too much trouble, would you mind leaving a review?”
  • Explain the Importance: Explain why reviews are so important for you. “Your feedback helps me to keep improving and growing my business”.

An example would be: “I’m really pleased you were happy with the voiceover! If you could find time in your day to leave a review, that would mean a lot to me and help me secure more work.”

Hints for Leaving Reviews

  • Make It Easy: Give them clear action on how they can do that.
  • Follow Up: In case someone forgot to leave the review, a small reminder never hurts.

Encourage honest reviews, allowing to receive feedback and improve your work, and showing new clients that you are being allowed work by others.

Handling Negative Reviews

How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Negative reviews are tough, but they come with the business. Here’s how you handle them:

  • Stay Calm: Don’t take it personally. Keep professional.
  • Admit the Problem: Respond clearly to the issue the customer is fixating on. For example, “I am very sorry that you are upset. How may I help you feel better?”
  • Listen to the Feedback: I should avoid repeating any reactions that could have led to negative feedback about how to do it better.

e.g. if a client leaves a negative review because the project was turned in past the deadline, apologize and let them know the steps you will put in place to make sure it doesn’t happen again

Sad woman drawing, vintage illustration

Pros and Cons of Negative Reviews


  • Opportunity to Learn from Mistakes: There are occasions when the feedback from negative reviews can be worth gold.
  • Sign that You Care: Responding in a positive way proves that you care for your clients.


  • Reputation Building: Leading to a disaster might be the repetition building, as too many negative reviews do not work out well for your service.

If you can manage the negative review carefully, then from a disastrous situation, it can turn into a good one by revealing your quality and record of your excellencies.

Maintaining the Professional Profile

Importance of a Good Profile

Your Fiverr profile is your shop window. Make sure it looks professional and inviting. Here’s how:

  • Profile Picture: Use a clear, professional photo.
  • Description: Write a detailed description of your services and what sets you apart.
  • Portfolio: Present all your top work.

If you are a video editor, for instance, show your portfolio with the best clips you have edited.

Tips for Great Profile

Update It: Keep on adding the new skills and examples to your profile.
Keywords: Add relevant keywords to your profile so that clients find you easily.
A professional profile will just bring in the clients; then, it’s up to your service to gain you good reviews.

Using The Features Of Fiverr

The Features Of Fiverr

Fiverr provides with multiple tools to enrich your experience. Here’s how you can make the best use of them:
Gig Extras: Offer to do more for a higher price.

  • ** Promotions **: Use Fiverr’s promotions to get to more clients.
  • ** Analytics **: Understand how you are performing and where you need to do better. You can offer gig extras. For example, as a translator, you can either give a quicker delivery or work in many languages.

Pros and Cons of Fiverr Tools


  • ** Increased Visibility **: Use promotions and more clients can reach out to you.
  • ** Add-On to Your Income **: Gig extras increases your income.


  • ** Learning Curve**: it will definitely be long before you’ve learned how to use these tools for more benefits.

Leverage Fiverr tools for staying ahead and getting better reviews.

Building Long-Term Relationships

Importance of Long-Term Clients

You should have many long-term clients. That is, you should have a routine of getting work from clients, and with every delivery, you should have high reviews. Here’s what you need to do it:

  • Keep Consistency: Always deliver an excellent job.
  • Be Dependable: Make your clients rely on you.
  • Keep in Touch: Be sure to get in touch with old clients.

For example, if you are a social media manager, sell the service of a lifelong content creator to your customers.

Tips for Relationship Building

  • Discounts: Provide discounts to repeat customers.
  • Shown Appreciate: Say thank you to your clients after they have been served.

Through this relationship-building strategy, one can enjoy a lot of repeat business and increase positive reviews.

Top-notch service, good communication, values, and a professional profile are some of the ways you can improve your reviews on Fiverr. Use Fiverr’s tools to build your relationships with clients and stick around there for a long, long time. Following these, one would really see that reviews mean great things for your business.

Actually, the product of your Fiverr success is good reviews. Join Fiverr and remember Everything but good reviews will flow in from continuous excellence in growth and positive words. Good luck!

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